Health officials in Australia and other countries are tracking more than 100 cases of monkeypox. These cases are unusual for these countries because monkeypox does not normally occur. Learn about the symptoms, Incubation period and transmission of this disease.
Here’s how to prevent Monkeypox Virus in Australia. You’ll want to protect your family, yourself, and the people around you. You should not travel to these countries until you know a little more about this virus.
Incubation period | Monkeypox Virus in Australia
The Incubation period of the monkeypox virus varies from five to 21 days. The disease is characterized by a rash and painful raised poxes that are surrounded by red circles.
The infection typically heals within two to three weeks. Humans can contract the virus by coming in contact with an infected person or animal. It is most common among African hedgehogs, pigs, opossums, and squirrels. These are considered to be the most likely viral reservoirs.
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The disease has historically been found in Central and West Africa. While there are no cases in the West, outbreaks of monkeypox occur in these regions.
The increase in human encroachment into wildlife habitats may be a contributing factor. There are two main strains of monkeypox virus. One is virulent, while the other is less contagious. The two types of monkeypox virus are related but not mutually exclusive.
Transmission – Monkeypox Virus
Human monkeypox is a highly contagious disease that typically develops in children. It is usually self-limiting, but may be more severe in some individuals. The West African clade is associated with a lower case fatality rate than the Congo Basin clade, according to epidemiological data.
In both endemic and non-endemic countries, public health investigations are underway, which include extensive case finding, laboratory investigation, and clinical management.
Immunization is deployed among close contacts. WHO regularly convenes a committee of experts to make recommendations for vaccination.
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In recent years, the global population has grown considerably, but the capacity of the monkeypox virus to spread from human to human has been underestimated.
Although many zoonotic diseases are confined to the wild, urbanization has resulted in increased contact between humans and animals. In addition, climate change has shifted the geographic distribution of certain animals carrying human-pathogenic viruses, leading to more cases of monkeypox.
Symptoms – Cases of Monkeypox in Australia
The number of cases of monkeypox has increased in the Democratic Republic of Congo. One study conducted in 2020 found almost four thousand suspected cases in the country.
The virus may be evolving to be more rapidly transmitted from one person to another, which could make the condition even more dangerous.
Fortunately, the virus has not yet spread to humans in the U.S., but the UKHSA is still investigating possible close contacts and health care workers who may have had contact with an infected person.
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The initial signs of monkeypox include a raised rash that may start on the face, spread to the hands, and eventually to the rest of the body. The rash usually starts as flat red bumps and gradually develops into blisters filled with pus, crust over, and fall off.
The virus is spread through direct contact with an infected person, animal, or contaminated surface. In the case of human-to-human transmission, the virus is transmitted through direct contact with the blood and fluids of an infected animal.
Prevention – Monkeypox Virus in Australia
The World Health Organisation reports 92 confirmed and 28 suspected cases of monkeypox virus worldwide. This number is unusual, given the fact that outbreaks typically occur in Central and West Africa.
The virus is largely transmitted through direct contact, but it has been found in countries in Europe as well. However, prevention is critical. Among other precautions, patients should try to avoid monkeypox-infected animals.
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The best prevention is to avoid contact with infected animals and the affected person. Using personal protective equipment is essential, as should hand washing after contact with contaminated items.
CDC and ACIP recommend that health care workers and investigators wear protective clothing and practice hand hygiene after contact with infected individuals. In addition, smallpox vaccine has been shown to be approximately 85% cross-protective. So, prevention of monkeypox virus is critical.
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